Amy’s Story

Denae’s story is a reminder that many in our communities are one unexpected bill away from a financial crisis and potential eviction.

Tanya’s Story

Tanya, a working mother, found herself in a difficult situation when her car needed urgent repairs in order to be safe to drive. In many parts of the United States where public transportation isn’t available, a functioning car isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity for getting to work, buying groceries, and managing daily life.

Marisa’s Story

Marisa, a mother fleeing domestic violence found her path to stable housing blocked by an unexpected utility deposit, despite securing assistance through a Rapid Rehousing Program.

Maria’s Story

Maria, a young single mother of two, faced immense challenges in balancing full-time work and the financial strain of raising her children. With essentials like formula stretching her resources thin, Maria’s stress was palpable.

Lynette’s Story

Lynette’s world turned upside down following an incident of domestic violence. With her husband, the primary caregiver for their child, removed from the home, Lynette faced a daunting challenge: securing childcare so she could return to work.

Shawna’s Story

Shawna, a recent new mother, found herself struggling financially in the aftermath of unpaid maternity leave. Although her situation is unique, it reflects the reality of countless individuals facing financial challenges due to significant gaps in income.

Brittany’s Story

Brittany, a single mother, faced dire financial stress when her daughter attempted suicide. Taking unpaid leave, she struggled with balancing bills and caring for her child. This story highlights the thin line between stability and financial hardship, especially during Poverty Awareness Month.

Marion’s Story

Marion’s story is a reminder that even families who have prepared for a financial crisis can still find themselves at a loss if they encounter two at the same time.

Denise’s Story

Denise’s story is a reminder that many in our communities are one unexpected medical emergency away from a financial crisis.

Denae’s Case Story

Denae’s story is a reminder that many in our communities are one unexpected bill away from a financial crisis and potential eviction.