Erica’s Story
A Delicate Balance Disrupted
When Erica’s* daughter needed multiple dental and medical procedures over the summer, the timing seemed ideal. Her daughter, who has Down syndrome, could recover without missing school. However, the sequence of necessary procedures – tooth extractions, ear tubes, a sleep study, and adenoid removal – required more time off work than Erica’s remaining paid leave could cover.
The Impact
What began as a calculated decision to schedule her daughter’s medical care during summer break quickly evolved into a complex financial challenge. The unpaid leave coincided with an unexpected reduction in her daughter’s disability benefits, creating a perfect storm of reduced income. When her landlord increased the rent to $1,034 and utility costs rose simultaneously, Erica found herself falling behind on payments.
“I know life sometimes shows up,” Erica reflected, “but I try to… budget my money or if I [get] a handle on my days, meaning that if I knew I can’t take off the day… then try to do better with my PTO as well.”
The situation weighed heavily on Erica as she faced impossible choices between her daughter’s medical needs and their housing stability. As the threat of eviction loomed, she confronted the prospect of having to find emergency housing while her daughter was still recovering from surgery – a situation that would have compromised both her daughter’s recovery and their basic dignity.
Preserving Stability Through Rapid Response
A local family resource center recognized the urgency of Erica’s situation and referred her to Footbridge which paid $1,360 to her landlord in order to cover the past-due rent.
“My rent was paid for the month of July and as a result I was able to get back on track with paying my rent on time moving forward,” Erica shared. “If Footbridge wouldn’t have been able to assist me I would’ve been facing eviction and taken to court.”
The Bigger Picture
Erica’s experience illuminates a critical reality: the right to shelter and human dignity often hangs by the thread of a single paycheck or medical emergency. Her story reveals how quickly a family’s stability can unravel when they’re forced to choose between essential medical care, caregiving and housing security – choices no parent should have to make, particularly when caring for a child with special needs.
The situation illustrates how maintaining housing stability is about more than just keeping a roof overhead; it’s about preserving the fundamental dignity of families during their most vulnerable moments. When timely, targeted assistance prevents an eviction, it does more than avert a housing crisis – it protects a family’s right to pursue health and happiness.
*This name has been changed for privacy reasons.